Art Ignites
Art Ignites, a youth-focused initiative at various Vancouver Visual Art Foundation events, locations, and schools across the Lower Mainland, aims to ignite creativity and observation skills among the youth. Through partnerships with schools, offering classes throughout the year. Each participating student receives a booklet containing interactive activities designed to enhance their imagination, observation of surroundings, and curiosity. Art Ignites' mission is to provide opportunities for youth to connect and engage with art, fostering critical thinking skills and leadership qualities.
To connect youth through the art community and encourage creativity.
Beyond Art Vancouver, Art Ignites strives to provide creative opportunities for self-expression through different mediums. By attending an international art fair, youth can broaden their understanding of art and culture through connecting with artists.
We are also working to provide various workshops that teach youth how to use art as a form of therapy and how to view the world through a unique lens.