Creativity and an artistic view of the world is a part of every aspect of Skyla Wayrynen’s life. From her painting to her role as a fitness trainer, nothing is left untouched.
And this creativity is what will be on display when she exhibits her artwork at Art Vancouver 2020.
For Skyla, art has been a part of her entire life, so it was natural that she picked up the brush and became one herself.
In fact, it’s one of her earliest memories.
“My mom used to tell me that when she was painting—I was about one, not even—I would sit on the counter and I couldn’t even speak yet, and I would paint next to her,” she says.
‘Just give it a go’
The fostering of her artistic self as such a young age allowed her to experiment, fail and try again, says Skyla.
“When it comes to art, it’s ‘Okay, just give it a go.’ And if it doesn’t work, just go over it. I have one canvas that I’ve had for years with, like, six paintings on that one canvas because I didn’t love it yet. So I kept doing something new.”
For Skyla, there are no mistakes in art and by doing away with that filter so many adults have in trying to be creative, she is able to truly be free with her art.
“I’m not afraid to make mistakes. People always think, ‘Well, what happens when you mess up?’ I can paint over it.”
‘It’s more like a community centre’
Skyla is one of the founding members of Art Vancouver, who has been organizing the International Art Fair, now heading towards its sixth year.
She says the growth that has happened over its short history has led to it
becoming more than just an art fair where attendees go to view art. They go to experience it.
“With Art Vancouver, there’s a stage the whole time, there’s artists speaking,” Skyla says. “It’s more like a community centre, but only for a few days.”
‘You guys are artists, too’
While for many, art brings up the image of a painter by their easel, but Skyla says that doesn’t have to be the case.
It’s something she talks about with people in other parts of her life.
“Yes, I am an artist, but I don’t think that I am one and everyone else is not,” she says. “When I speak to my co-workers, I say, ‘Well, you guys are artists too.’”
It’s this message that best exudes her philosophy—everyone can be an artist. All it takes is trying.
“You can’t say you’re not one if you haven’t given it a go.”
Skyla Wayrnen's Website: click here
Instagram: @artskylaa